Coincidentally paired with a symbiotic AI, Nur was granted access to psychokinetic powers latent in the mind and spirit..

Name: Amir Allam
Twitter: (inactive but its in the requirements soooo)

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So far, I think that I've found the character type that I feel comfortable with. For some reason, I find the concept, of a prophetic wizard rising to the call to action, endearing.

feeling around the design
also, heres the story so far. im literally just stream of consciousness shitting these concepts out, so i apologize for the bad writing haha. i just have to get it out of my system since these ideas have been swimming in my head for the past few days.

before the war (the artwar) nur coincidentally paired with a symbiotic AI. the AI needs a human brain to survive, since the human brain possesses the computing power for it to remain conscious. nano technology just isnt where it needs to be for the AI to exist autonomously. it jumped from host to host, using a combination of the previous (dead) hosts brain matter and convenient mechanical scraps to subsist autonomously for a short while. then, it met nur, the perfect companion. the transition was difficult to say the least, but after only a month, integration was haphazardly achieved.

through a combination of mechanical, digital, and organic means, the advanced AI allowed nur to access and control the deepest recesses of his mind and spirit. as nur dived deeper, with the aid of the AI, he found something unexpected. deep within his subconscious he found a link to his spirit, and within his spirit, he inexplicably found a connection with everything around him. at the time, this was considered an anomaly by the AI, since the AI did not experience this with any of its previous hosts, but then again, it didnt spend as much time with them. there was much discussion about the topic.

eventually, the AI conceded to Nur and actually found the anomaly intriguing. the cooperation between Nur and the AI allowed them to pursue the matter further. with the logic of the AI and the perseverance of Nur, they were able to dive deeper than ever before, into the inner machinations of the spirit of Nur. through this endeavor, Nur developed psychic powers; telekinesis being one of them. more importantly, and most curiously, they both came to believe in god, stating "i have explored every corner of my inner being. i understand most of it. however its funny that, even with all the answers, we have come to the conclusion that, and i quote, 'rationality does not always end with an understanding of the problem.' the deeper we went, we only found more questions. we were left with no choice but to embrace my spirit, and all of its mysteries. and when we did, completely... i heard something that shook me to the core. i felt what could only be described as a whisper from all around me. stranger still...the AI felt it too."

Might have found who Senpan Kai is arching here lol.

TO THE DEATH! Nur has god on his side! he cant lose! o/

since ive been looking around the artwar forums, i feel like i messed up. haha. i did a lot more ideation before entering, because i thought that i needed an idea before i entered, for some reason. i think its because we have to choose between heroes and villains right at the get-go. sall good though. this competition is really making me excited for my character. <3 seeing everyone else work hard is also way more inspiring than i thought it would be.

Yep it is !
That's the best part of the fun to see everyone else trying to find the best heroes/villains !

Sorry already I didn't read everything you said (reading few things look to be so deep meaning ! (even if I'm not sure to understand some haha))...but I like the deepiction of your character ^^

I love him! he has such good flow and vibe, especially like the circle around his head. I really admire that you took the time to think of a backstory! ( I am planning to do that too)

hey man, no problem at all. haha sorry i get a little too elaborate in my descriptions. its a terrible habit of mine. my mind just falls down rabbit holes so easily. hopefully, ill have a palatable story by the end of this.

also, thats so true. all these characters are so raw and personal, especially since we can them all develop. very cool. :smiley:

WOO HOO! thanks! the halo was really the best way i could think to make this character holy and contemporary. thanks for reading my backstory. hehe. these ideas just keep swimming in my head while i draw out all these concepts. i cant take full credit though. music is such a good crutch for my creativity haha. i cant wait to see what you come up with, for your backstory! i absolutely love when people go the extra mile. :3

Don't you worry haha ^^
I'm worst sometimes on my explanations (thing is, I'm not sure if my english is very understandable (only for french maybe lol)).

For miss Barbarian I already have a short story in mind...but I'm missing some elements.

im sure youll figure it out, man. your head must be swimming with ideas while you flesh her out. :smile:

I even thought of bring back Deimoz (my first evil character) to the story xD
And he is also part of her weapons :3 (I know a bit different)

ooo. send me a private message if youd like. id like to seee. :smiley:

alrighty. gonna do some final ideation passes on the halo and the staff tomorrow to complete my understanding of this character. after that, im gonna get started on the accurate turnarounds and ill start the thumbnails to cool my brain off. WOOOO art warrr! \o/

my bruddah! speet on ha!