
My hero is Tomoe, a female samurai with a special stone embed into her armor, which she can manipulate into any form she needs to for combat purposes.

Really excited to be a part of my first Art War!
(Edit: Excited to have finished my submission to my first Art War!*)





Final Illustration

great design process! one thing i could give a tip is for the cape, if you add some flow to it (like its getting blown in the wind), it can really bring up the interest in the prop :smiley:

@Fris Hmm yea, I think I was too concerned with the silhouette reading like butterfly/moth wings kept down and the shape got stiff. I'll make sure to fix that and probably include some gestures as well. Thanks for the help! :grin:

Render Shot of Tomoe. My character sheet isn't quite finished, but while I'm adding gestures and specific call outs I'm going to start doing composition sketches as well

I'm also open to any critiques! There's still a bit of time to make changes before the deadline

26 days later

float like a butterfly, sting like a Tomoe X)

I love the illustration comp, The design is there and with a bit more treatment can really pop!

Great work!

Hey thanks! It means a lot. Do you have any specific advice on how I can strengthen my designs? I'm really looking to get better in that area because I can tell I'm a bit lacking haha

Hi Ho Luigi,

Quick paintover Make your comp pop!

Try use Rule of Thirds to make the design more interesting, add some Story to your comp to attract your viewers eye to something especially with how dynamic your piece is :d!!!

Your Hero shape is not bad, There are a few hooks to attract the eyes and the moth motif is quite nice to look at. Honestly the design is great! Just need some more oomph areas, For example a Japanese Family Crest in on his body would be amazing.

Keep improving this is great stuff :smiley:

Alright, thanks for the help and encouragement! I'm gonna have to take a little break from this, but will be implementing all of your advice soon!