Name Jamie Chapman



Powers: Electricity generation, being dead and the mysterious ability to lengthen her dress to aid artistic composition.

Scientists had finally succeeded in creating life! With a steady supply of bodies stolen from the graveyards they were able to assemble and revive a being long since dead.
The nameless corpse they (mostly) used was dubbed “Mademoiselle Guillotine” because of her gruesome execution for crimes lost in the midst of time.
Unfortunately she was quite mad.
Whether it was an error in the resurrection process, brain rot from eons underground or simply her natural state in life will never be known. Deemed dangerous and uncontrollable the experiment was almost considered a failure, until they strapped guns on her and sent her to the boarder wars to fight for the Queen’s armies.
When she was finally blown apart by a cannon shot, Mademoiselle Guillotine was buried and forgotten. But the electricity still coursing through her dark heart and would not let her truly die. So she rises, again and again, still fighting an ancient war in her head, killing all in her way.

Okay, really would have liked to have started this earlier. Having a go anyway. I'm aiming for a really simple, cell shaded comic book style which I can do quickly once I have the drawing down, so I'm hopeful about finishing, but won't be a certainty.

This looks amazing. Really like the pose with the arm outstreched. Excited to see it develop.