Hello! Sorry for these days of inactivity. I fell into a little crysis about the coherence with the character and his backstory.
As a Sorcerer who got corrupted because of messing up with crazy dark magic and necormancy, he ended up broken by the force of the magic he was trying to spell and dominate. Thus he must look like a very distorted human.
The shillouettes I developed a week ago where too human and I felt that they looked very simple and unattractive, also I was unsatisfied because of the very human-like look of them.
After days of thinking and thinking I came up with this idea of a humanoid and very strange creature, I started with a simple human body in a pose, I distorted a little bit and then I began putting some clothes, armor and so on. That detailed one will be the base for other 4 iterations I'm currently designing.
I'm getting late in the contest so I'll try to ve more eficient.