Bubbles Is the best kind of hero protector of the weak. Defeater of bullies. She is known on and off the playground.. And now A super villain has risen up to bully the world? She'll send them crying home to their mom!

Okay here we go!, My goal with this hero is to have one that shoots water balloons from a large hand mounted launcher, I like the idea of the theme where her costume is not a super proffesional type one rather something she had put on in the rush of the moment.. like she's playing dress-up. I'm inspired by the life is strange: Adventures of Captain Spirit, idea. So her costume consists of easily recognizable everyday stuff.. like a tie for a mask.. a table cloth for a cape etc..

Anyways here is my initial super rough draft.. there is a lot going on in this picture so it needs some major cleaning up (I just wanted to quickly get it down before i forgot it! haha).. I dislike the legging patterns and her shoes i think could be sneakers. but everything else im happy with.

Right now i originally thought about using a kid but this picture makes me think it'd be cool like if she started as a kid and is now a teen / young adult whos been through a lot of fights but is still wearing the same kinda costume cause she never really grew out of it.. hence her costume having some dirt / wear to it.

Very cute and fun concept! Looking forward to seeing how she turns out:)

Update: Been messing with the character concept a little more, While I like the initial idea it was a bit of a mess with random designs and concepts all over it.. I've spent today cleaning this up.... I've made her a little older.. as while i wanted her to be young to start with i liked the idea of her being older more.. also ive changed the water balloon idea into paintballs instead.. turning her into a kind of grafiti artist.. The main thing though which i wanted to keep was her gun.. which ive streamlined. Hopefully more to come later :smile: But heres some lineart where i was playing with hairstyles.. still not sure what to do with it though..

I still like her having a tie as a mask which i wanted to keep in her design but its difficult finding a suitable hairstyle for it!

btw she isnt an amputee she's kinda leaning against a wall... only without a wall behind her xD

interesting variations, definitely going towards something good! keep it up!