Adaptation of the Grimm Brother's Snow White and an extension of my current thesis project Maelstrom -
Grimhildr, an ordinary girl from the advanced technological city of Alfheim, married it's king, King Lazerus. They both had a daughter, Snow, whom they both absolutely loved. One day, the city of Alfheim was raided by the two power-thirsty conquerors from the North - Hel and Tyr, along with other Northern allies. Alfheim was massacred, along with Snow. Tyr raped Grimhildr while Lazerus was beaten and forced to watch. After the bloody event, Grimhildr and Lazerus swore to each other that they would avenge Snow and take back their city. They quickly realized that to defeat the monsters, they would have to become monsters themselves. The two summoned Dark, a primal evil entity. Dark offered the knowledge and powers to get revenge on Tyr and Hel, but in return, Dark wanted a large tribute of souls - Grimhildr and Lazerus would have to slaughter half of Alfheim's population. Grimhildr was willing to move forward with it but Lazerus was not. So instead, Grimhildr made the pact and told Lazerus to flee the city so as to not get caught up in the slaughter.
Dark granted Grimhildr the ability to hack life itself - transforming any organic matter into machine. She slaughtered half of Alfheim's population and raised an army of zombie-like cyborgs with her new powers. Grimhildr raided the North with her army and had her revenge. But she was not satisfied and wanted to be even more powerful. So Dark offered to give Grimhildr a link to his power and knowledge but Grimhildr would have to be rooted into the Earth so that he is always linked to her. Once she was rooted to the Earth, the lands around her became corrupt.
So where is Snow and how is this relatable to her story if she is already dead? Well, I won't reveal all of the story here, but let's just say Lazarus dug up Snow's body and brought her back to life using an apple that he plucked from a tree near Grimhildr. And remember, every thing around Grimhildr holds some essence of her blood/power. So with the extraction of Grimhildr's corrupted blood from the apple, Snow was successfully revived in a lab on the outskirts of Alfheim, but is in a coma... and who knows when she'll awaken?
For this contest of Art War 3, I envision Grimhildr to look like a hellish-cyborg Gaia-like character. So there should be a lot of elements of nature/trees/roots, and machinery/robotic parts, but with aspects of corruption on them. Attached is a moodboard for what I am feeling for this character! WIPS coming soon!
Dec 9, '18
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Dec 14, '18