John Doe is an unknown former US soldier with necromancy powers. He suddenly appeared in the European battlefields during a devastating WW3 and was seen bringing death and chaos to everyone.
I decided to set my villain in a modern era where a new World War is raging: USA, United European Nation, Russian Federation and China are the main nations and are fighting each other.
As stated earlier, John Doe is an unknown soldier which is able to raise the dead to make them fight with him. First footages found amidst empty battlefields showed John attacking blindly each side and adding fallen soldiers to his little army. His motivations are unknown and his powers' origins are a complete mystery; some said he just want to watch the world burns as he's the devil in flesh, whereas others think he works for a country operating in the shadows. Whatever could his motivations be, he remains a deadly foe causing of lot of fear and death within the ranks of all armies operating in the European theater, and is actively wanted by both US and European gouvernments.
Nov 19, '18
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Nov 19, '18