Looks cool you are pretty far along already, one thing that caught my eyes might be that the upper arms, specifically the bicep area seems a bit long, might just want to review that area again to be sure.

In fact the bicep to the area a little long, I will also rework the folds of pants and add detail on the belt. I was a little too fast ^^ I hope it will be really cool ! Thank you for the feedback ! (and sorry for my english) :sweat_smile:

Really like how polished you are making him and how you stylized the folds on his pants looks cool!

Following to see more of it !

and was going to say about the biceps area too, but since you notice already, I don't have any feedbacks to give you right now

Good work man

Thanks guys, I appreciate that. But I ask some question about the elements to add on the belt. I will soon start the retopo after the corrections.

On more thing his rib-cage and maybe hips are being crushed by that torso protection.

Unless that is a flexible material like mithril (L.O.T.R's)

Yes you're right zyp, but I wanted the imprisoned genius side to be visible.
I hope that I am understood ^^

12 days later

hey ! I finished applying the basic colors, next step, painting the details in 3D coat. I have some problem of normal in the back (between the back and the blow) if someone can help me? : D

12 days later