Woah, I haven't seen this entry thread yet. He looks awesome!

Composition no.3 is definitely the most eye-catching. He looks like he's about to start a battle. He feels very tyrannical and imposing in this image, and I love how the minimal use of lightning directs the eyes. Can't wait to seem him polished.

Thank you!
The 3rd is the one I'm going for I guess, the silhouette is clear and it has room for some elements I want to add later on(if time allows it of course xD).

I guess I'll go into the illustration with this... I'll improve it simultaneously from now on.
Still need to design the horse, I'll try to work on it in the next days.

Trying the colors I had in mind a bit, before revisiting the horse's design.

An update to the final illustration, I won't add the lightning on the helmet and the weapon until I figure out most of the shapes/designs.
fixed some scale and posing issues.
I should be able to finish the horse's design by tomorrow so I can finally start detailing the whole character.

Hmm I think your character would benefit from being larger in the composition. What I loved about your sketches was how big and imposing and scary he looked, and his horse was impossibly huge too. In this so far he looks more normal sized and honestly has lost a lot of the impressiveness of the sketches. Just my opinion, but the impressive and hugely scary demeanour was what won him over for me!

I see what you mean. I've been thinking about it for a while and I might end up making the other guys in the comp smaller again.
Thanks for the feedback!

We do not have to do a character sheet front/back anymore (since this year).
Nevertheless it's always useful.

Yes, I'm aware of that :stuck_out_tongue:
I just wanted to have a complete design before moving on to the final step.
Also planning on working on it even after the end of Art War.

Looking great dude! really like those shoulder pads.

Well... Complete change of direction. Wasn't happy with what I came up with before so I thought it would be better to start fresh... This didn't take me that much time and it looks like a good start... There's still some things to figure out and other things to fix(mainly because I started from complete mess xD).
In case you're questioning the lack of lighting, it's mainly because I keep the FX for after when I'm done with the base/comp.

Nice changes !
It's really powerful like this now :sunglasses:

Reminds me Raoh and his giant horse (from Hokuto no ken :smile: )

Oh this closer version is far better, have more sense of his scale now too

Damn, a cyclope horse. hhhhhhhh