Hi Thankls for the reply hahah we should arrange a playdate for the bears.
I am still undecided about the fur actually i am also very tempted to use this as an opportunity to lean xgen fur.

Nice! I like the detail on the cloth and the armor looks nice like a roman!
I feel the face and body could use a bit more definition prior to detailing just to tighten up the transitions between say the snout and the rest of the face and the hands and arms (feet, knees, legs)
Of course the fur will obscure the definition somewhat, though that's dependent on how you do it.

hey man thanks for the the feedback dude :smiley:
oh yeah for sure he needs more detailing. i just wanted to get the more tedious stuff out of the way that i have to use maya for as i really strucggle with hard surface modelling in zbrush :smiley:
very tempted to export fibre mesh as curves for maya. but then do i really want to make a sheet that seems like too much work :stuck_out_tongue:

Good start! why not modeling the hard surface in Modo or Modo Indie :wink: always fun to learn new software. And since autodesk did destroyed xsi. Modo is the best modeling tool I can think of.

Good point the videos I have watched modo does look pretty cool.
I just stuck with maya as it seems all the places I want to work for use maya :smiley:
I also want to set time aside to learn marvelous designer too.

Here is my current progress from last night

That looks great! I like the personality and definition on the armor.
How would you be texturing him? Would you be using PBR texturing (substance painter/quixel?)
And yes a lot of studios use maya, I think it has to do with the fact that its an all it one package and has more features for vfx, animation and rendering.
I prefer max, though I can use maya. I may use maya to rig my character for posing.

Hey thanks rath I appreciate the nice comment. How I'd render him really depends on how I'd tackle the fur issue if I do hair then I'll be rendering in vray if I do cards or sculpted fur then yeah I'll be using pbr with marmot no matter what texture painting will be in substance painter. Only just got it and I'm in love with it. Only know the basics atm and want to learn more.

Lol, that's makes two of us working on christmas day. (I'm on retopology so no particular updates just yet)
Love the definition on the face. Does/will he have teeth? (can't quite tell by the picture.
Great work!

Yeah shit Im dreading retopology hahaha. Yeah I really should add teeth to him huh atm he's just got lips and gums.
Glad ya love his face :smiley:

Looks fierce! Love the wood sculpt on the shield!

Hey, nice idea, already like the sculpt the you are making
but why do you do the retopo?

Thank you very much for the compliment. I'm doing retopology as this bear was made with dynamesh and I'm really liking it so want to use this as a portfolio asset and do a cool little scene and render and texture in vray so want a tidy mesh to bake the sculpt details into and to take into substance painter for textures.