Heyyy guys o/ I'm super nervous since this is my first design-contest ever, but i'm having buttloads of fun!
So to start things off I was looking for some kind of girl who uses spirit-arts for battle. While also having a light-esque feeling to her, and I wanted her to have like cute little spirits who help her in the war. So thats basically what I was going for in this first brain-storm sketch phase.
So lets discuss all the designs! Keep in mind these are just sketches and a buttload more details will come after I chose the winning design. The winning design will get a finished design from her back and her front. And a final art piece where she can shine in all her glory!
Design 1 :
The first one shows her as a spirit herself, using only her bow. The bow uses spirit-arrows, which glow in all kinds of colors, and they all have different kinds of elements. She can pull arrows out of the portal on her head, however each arrow she pulls from the portal, will have a random element assigned to it.
That she can save or use immediatly. I gave her fitting dark-blue color pallette to compliment her overal design. This was personally my least favourite out of the 3.
Design 2 :
Shes a bit of a nature-esque spirit user in this design , she uses the orbs on her antlers to generate mana so she can basically charge her arrows with magical energy and purge everyone from the dark side with energy-filled arrows~!.
The things below her antlers are two portals to summon the spirits from, if she requires the spirits help, the orange-pink part will glow and a bunch of spirits will assist her in battle. She uses the spirits themselves as arrow-esque objects, the spirits are random, however she can summon up to 6 spirits at a time and uses them in whatever order the battle requires.
She can even combine the spirits to be able to generate cool spells which reveal spells that can output more damage, or heal if she has healing spirits with her. The elements of the spirits will be shown by the various colors they have. Her overal color palette is a kind of sunny one, using a soft dark-ish green and a peachy pink. Basically describing a forest reflected by the sunset.
Her design is also based upon a bug, can you guess which one? Hue. This one was my middle-favourite. It came out cool but it didnt hit quite all the marks yet. Design 1 had too much of a night-esque and boring design to me, Design 2 was okay but still didnt quite nail what I was going for.
Design 3 (My favourite)
I made sure to go all-out with this design/color-wise since I wanted to make something that would stand out from the rest of the designs. As you can see she has short hair, with two pigtails made of various spirits.
Again, these spirits are not pre-set and will appear at random out of her staff. If she wants to use one of her spirits, she grabs it from one of her twintails, and throws it at her opponent, size and color will determine what element/impact spell will appear. If she has no spirits left on either twintail, she puts her staff on either side of her head (wherever she wants more spirit-ammo) and pulls them out of the portal from her staff. (Kinda when you blow bubbles in real life but this time in reverse~!)
The size of her spirits in this form will depend on how many mana she puts into the spirit, how bigger the mana pool she uses, how bigger the spirit power. Most of the time she only has energy for 2 big spirits, 2 middle spirits and 8 small spirits. Her entire color-palette is bound to the various spirits that are currently active, and the orb on her staff changes color on whatever element spirit she can summon next. As you can see the spirits she has with her are 2 light spirits 2 poison spirits 2 water spirits and 2 wind spirits. The deeper I go in this design the more you will see this concept being deepened, aswel as the details on her costume. As I feel its still a little lacking. But I love it regardless. Let me know in the comments which design is your favourite, and ofcourse any tips are welcome! (And compliments too heehee). I will post regular updates on my entry in this thread, please look forward to it <3!~
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Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pandybearart/?hl=nl
Dec 16, '17
last reply
Dec 16, '17