Cool character agero702.
This looked like a good opportunity to help so I did a small tutorial as to how you can proceed. And I'll place it in steps along the way here.
First thing I considered was the framing itself. He was touching the edges making tangents which eleminates depth so lets get rid of those by pulling the frame out a bit.

Second was that the light sources look a little confusing to me. I dont know if its just the stage that your at right now in the piece or how far your eye is trained to recognize these things, so for the sake of the tutorial I'm just pointing it out.

The third thing was that we are using black to change the tone in a color piece. Lets add some of that wow vibrancy and beauty with some saturation and generalized cooler shadows and warmer tones.

Fourth, you can isolate your sections of armor using the lasso tool to make thing move along more accurately with all this detail in there. Fill with the mid tone, shade it with your dark, add your occlusion shadow and highlight for detail.

Fifth: Gold as the light bounces away from it further and further into a...say a gold nugget, you see the color turns a deeper orange/red so with that principle in mind we can make a basic gold pallet.
Keep in mind, this could be brass and I'm just making as assumption. So dont stick to making this gold. But we definitely need some more spectacular to make it sparkle like metal.

Sixth: Let some brushes do some work for you. Chains are a real b**** and you can with a few brush strokes to make some more dynamic chains if you want.

Lastly. This section looks flat. So what we did here was illustrate how you can make overlapping principles ad space and depth to your paintings, darkening areas behind those in front just a bit.
Anyways, great job. I hope that helps. Look forward to your progress.