Photo study ~2h30
I sometime picked colors from the photo or lowered the opacity over my painting to see if everything was matching. I hope to no use that anymore in the future ^^
Critique and advice are welcome!
Photo study ~2h30
I sometime picked colors from the photo or lowered the opacity over my painting to see if everything was matching. I hope to no use that anymore in the future ^^
Critique and advice are welcome!
10 days later
Drawing " La madame corne branche" as a stress reliver.
She's somewhat my mascot that's why I choosed this pseudo instead of "Shiroka" which has less meaning than the corne branche's concept it self.
Corne branche are not dear nor satryre. They are emotional spirits living in the wild imagination of any being and they nourish themselves out of idea, experience of life, knowlege and emotions. They are mute, their only way to understand the world is emotions which lead them to be naïve and childlike for a long period of time.
By being in a state of satisfation and hapiness for a long periode of time, they may blow wonderful flower with a unique fragance.
They can be brave sometimes and starting to fight their fear and negative emotion by themselves.
Mine likes to hang lanterns on her branches ... it represents friendship.
23 days later
Lazy study ... I was only interested into coloring, playing with texture
and replicating colors so I traced over the image. It was somwhat fun
to do but I wish to do it again, this time by doing the whole process by
my own.
Ref :
another study. I tried to get the color right and I played a bit with edge control and level of rendering ^^
Ref :
I really enjoy making studies but ... I wanted to experiement a little
bit more with painting techniques. Here is Martins, one of my OC in his
"demon/god" form.
I decided to play around colors and I tryed to contrast a little bit more arround soft/hard edge ~~
Hiya! Loving your latest studies so far [: And the La madame corne branche piece is coming along nicely. If you want to experiment more with edge definition, I suggest you try to play around with the smudge & mixer brush tool in photoshop, they will give you really cool and unexpected results, especially the mixer brush tool.
Here are some tutorials to introduce the tools a bit:
Smudge tool tutorial:
Mixer brush tutorial:
This tutorial covers blending/painting in general, that might also be useful to you. Other tutorials by this artist, Ahmed Aldoori, are worth checking out btw.
1 month later
Slowly ... my soul is fading into SILENCE.
I wish I was heard, I wish I was understood.
But how could you know ?
No words comes out of my mouth.
So I let myself enter into the darkness of my thoughts wondering :
"Would it be the same as be for one day ? "
2hrs sketch reliver
I wish I was more active thb ... but school- you know
I'm really loving this last piece! I like the way it's coming along . The ''major'' thing I'm seeing are the horns. The character has this very crisp look to her, but the horns are much more painterly. They work as a good base, but I'd definitely refined them so that they match the character better.
Other than that, maybe you could try to add a layer of depth by adding a few more defined trees in front of the ones you already have in the background.
That's all I can think of right now, so I hope it'll help somehow. Either way, the way it's looking right now I'm sure it will turn out good!
@cedricgo Thank you so much for the feed back!
Another piece I started mostly to experiement with strong silhouettes. I never have done that before but I'm quite courious to see how it's going to turn out ~
+some doodles I've been doing in chronological order.
I don't know why do I feel posting these is stupid. Telling me "This isn't good enought, no one is going to be interested by it " is not going to help. I post them anyway, there's just a lot of them and I don't want to spam.
2 months later
I don't know how to not "copy" when working from a photo. It's so each to get cought up in a meditative state while trying to make both images maching.
Finished this one in JUNE:
a WIP :
This summer was hard, I kept fighting against negative thougt to keep my head off the waters. Sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't but I wanted so bad to improve and work on my skills everyday but I didn't-
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