Hi everyone, my name is Cuong Tran. I'm 25 y.o. I'm currently a junior/beginner in the art career. My path choice is to be a game artist. Up until now I have only done UI/UX, and casual game artstyle. I recently got hit with the economic downturn and lose my job. While I am a bit down, I realized now maybe this is the time to pick up the Art School course and improving on my skill while building a better portfolio for myself.
My wish is someday I can be a good concept artist for environment and character design.
This is my very 1st day in my term 1 assignment. I decided to skip the assignment for the Visual Communication 1 since my previous job already including a lot of similar tasks. I dont plan to stick long with the skeleton/cylinder task since I have a basic understand of the fundamentals, but I think I need more work on gesture drawing (I dont plan to stop gesture drawing ever)
Please point out anything I should adjust for the way I am currently doing gesture, since I don't want to create a wrong habit.
Line of Action/Skeleton on model
Full Page cylinder
Cylinder on models
Human proportion (guided)
30s Gestures
60s Gestures
I will try to update my progress about 2-3 times a week. I am looking forward to receive any feedback and advices.
Dec 14, '22
last reply
Dec 26, '22