Hi everyone, my name is Cuong Tran. I'm 25 y.o. I'm currently a junior/beginner in the art career. My path choice is to be a game artist. Up until now I have only done UI/UX, and casual game artstyle. I recently got hit with the economic downturn and lose my job. While I am a bit down, I realized now maybe this is the time to pick up the Art School course and improving on my skill while building a better portfolio for myself.
My wish is someday I can be a good concept artist for environment and character design.

This is my very 1st day in my term 1 assignment. I decided to skip the assignment for the Visual Communication 1 since my previous job already including a lot of similar tasks. I dont plan to stick long with the skeleton/cylinder task since I have a basic understand of the fundamentals, but I think I need more work on gesture drawing (I dont plan to stop gesture drawing ever)
Please point out anything I should adjust for the way I am currently doing gesture, since I don't want to create a wrong habit.

Line of Action/Skeleton on model

Full Page cylinder

Cylinder on models

Human proportion (guided)

30s Gestures

60s Gestures

I will try to update my progress about 2-3 times a week. I am looking forward to receive any feedback and advices.

Yo, welcome aboard! Snakker here, local noob. Good work so far. Everything looks good. I would recommend in gestures to avoid symmetry when drawing the outlines of extremities, always look for a flow where one side leads into another, just something to definitely look out for as it really helps convey the rhythm of the pose. Also, definitely don't neglect cylinders and try just copying some figures in action using only cylinders, spheres and cubes, try to plant the figure on a plane (as the floor) and really try imagining the dimensionality of it, if you can, do it by referencing, if it's too hard, keep placing cylinders on top of pictures until it clicks. I found this to be very important! same as gestures.

It's good to keep a balance between feeling and constructing


thank you, I do plan to keep doing the cylinder and skeleton combine for at least 1-2 weeks to get a more clear hang of it. I will give your tip on gesture drawing some try on my next gesture practice session ^^

Welcome to the forums! Already seeing some good detail in your 60s gestures (not that detail is the point of gesture drawing, but Marc did say in the video the farther you are along, the more you'll be able to draw in the time limit)

Keep up the good work!

Welcome to the forums! I am interested to see your progress!

Was not an easy week for me, but I tried to keep up the daily practice everyday. This is the progress after 1 week. I'm not sure if I improved in gesture drawing because it makes sense for me but maybe not for everyone else xD.

Proportion (from memory)


Cylinder from references (I tried to not put it on top to practice a bit on measurement as well, I might try do it from memory next time).

Halfway last week (December 16th)

30s Gestures

60s Gestures

30s gestures

60s gestures

I will be moving on to Perspective next while keeping up the daily practice.

Great job! Proportions diagram looks good (lower legs probably too chunky and symmetrical)
Gestures are really good
Here are my observations . I think it's equally important to note the things we get right as much as the things we get wrong. By noting what works in our art we can reiterate on it and keep using it


I spent the last week experimenting with a few tweak on gesture drawing. I decide to draw with the Bean shape in mind for the body part, especially for the 1 minute gesture section, while only imagine it during the 30s section. I also did the majority of the Perspective assignment.

Cylinder + skeleton

Body Proportion (memory)

30s gestures

1 minute gestures

Measurement (I tend to draw a bit too chunky on my works too. might need to work a bit more on this)

Cube and shaving.

Basic 1 point perspective with cubes

1 point perspective room (its my room but I tweak the features in an attempt to create fantasy vibe)