Fashion/pose studies and trying to turn her into a dude. I've found the more I chill out when drawing the more my rendering style seems similar to the Wes Burt/El Coro concept art style I've been coveting, since 4EVA.

I like what Lexity said about breaking the creation process into two or more, which I expanded: 1)Ideation 2)Experimentation 3) Finalisation. This is so I don't put giant pressure on myself to see it 'right' straight away, then become completely discouraged when that (evitability) doesn't happen.
You can see the first part in the bottom right-rand corner. I've had the idea for some time now to draw a woman with bat-type wings with the camera slightly off-centre of where she is. Perhaps the idea for a larger piece or maybe even for a print. The 'ideation' stage had the typical warts of 'not looking good' AKA what I'd imaged in my head. However, it allowed me to loosen and I used my previous studies to inform the piece, e.g- the pose of the hand with the fingers folded like the model. I also used other references and took what I wanted from these like a Magpie would!
This is the result and I'm so happy with it! It was supposed to be stage 2, and I guess it still can be, but I really took my time with this learning what I needed to and rendering it out. I really want to try the Zapata course to level up my rendering skills even more.