Youtube happened to recommend me this video by Struthless or perhaps I searched for it, I've forgotten. He discusses it around 5 mins in:
Phil Svitek is helpful, too:

It's true it's the only theory/concept that doesn't reply on you being 'original', I guess it gives you less pressure to be whole unique all the time and just follow your interests. But, problem is/was I would be scared to leave the platform and even depart, because from my vantage point all stops looked the same. I see people I saw ages ago extremely level up and it does hurt, ngl. :weary:

Better late than never.

22 days later

Tried to draw what I liked from this pose, but then got frustrated it didn't look like the reference. Guess I'm swinging the other way, now.

Beginning character design, I guess. Just saw a woman dressed similar and thought it looked cool. Did stop and start this, because I got into a really depressive art funk. :disappointed:

Using pose refs, again.

My first full illustration using pose refs and other references, where I was planning out a thumb and drew a full version. 660+ Female Concept Art Poses from Grafit Studio. Saw the pose and the image of a 'tree girl' started forming in my mind. I went and found the perfect tree to ref. I want to have no worry nor guilt related to using any sort of ref in the future.
I'm kind of locking down the way I like to render with pencil: lighter values, then dark, pump up values with a Black pencil, because even a 9B is just a very dark grey and use highlights when appropriate.

+1 No matter how dark they are, they’re very reflective. Charcoal, btw, is very dark but way too easy to smudge (