My name is Erik (M, he/him) and I have recently turned 29 years old! (Six days ago in fact). As a birthday present to myself I sold my car, filed my taxes, and after paying off some debt I bought this course in the hopes I can get out of the artistic rut I've been in of late.
I took two years of school and got more in debt to the government than I think is reasonable. Once the pandemic hit I moved back in with the parents and have been working since to keep us above water. Now that finances have loosened up a bit I've decided (lord willing) to get a part-time job close to home, quit my warehouse job that sucks my soul out every day and finally give this art thing my full attention! I'm not sure how far I will get in this two-year course over the course of this next year but I'm hoping I can get far enough along to pad my portfolio with some good drawings and earn myself some gigs!
I'm pretty nervous about it but excited to finally scratch this itch in a controlled and productive environment. I'm not sure how many of my pieces I'll be able to share since my brain is full of: "do NUDE studies! Now!" But I'll do my best to share the stuff that's not at all spicy for my fellow students. (I need to work on fabric really badly tbh and besides, figure drawing is mostly body-boxing anyhow. Don't worry! I won't go rogue! Not even for my favorite thing, casual nudity.)
I look forward to meeting you and hopefully helping out where I can. I consider myself pretty intermediate. But I'm sure I'll have some good things to share in the coming weeks/months.
Nice to meet you! I hope we can all get along and learn lots together!
P.S. This is the best example I've got of my current work. It's definitely not finished but I think it looks okay. Hope y'all are fans of Guilty Gear because I got a lot of that on the brain haha.
Mar 29, '22
last reply
Jun 24, '22