Also! I finished my "benchmark" illustration to show my skills before I progress through Marc Brunet's course.
The artist Steven Zapata has talked about the concept of the "Dream Picture" AKA drawing what you want even if your skill isn't to your liking (that's a simplication, but the gist of what he talks about). In my case, the dream picture includes ornamental design, character symbolism, and dramatic lighting. And this piece has exactly that. Is it particularly well executed? No, not currently, but I get satisfaction from it that I never had for much of my previous work.
I was supposed to finish this by the end of January, but it's done way early! My plan is to do one major illustration each month utilizing the skills I learn in the course. In February, it'll be a one-point perspective scene. I can't wait to redraw this next year and see my progress!
Critique is welcome and desired in terms of design, anatomy, and rendering, or anything else!! (I do know it's a bit messy with bleeding color and lineart strays)