At last, here we are. After months of work here's our final submission.
It's been a bumpy ride but this was our first contest, we learned a heck of a lot and had a whale of a time! Even though it isn't represented at the max in the screenshot and video, we are really proud of the work done. We have improved much since the start of the contest and we look forward to doing even better in the next one.
We have seen so many great works from the artists involved in the challenge and we can't help but wishing luck to everyone of them.
We apologize for the awful cliping in the textured flythrough video; we couldn't manage to get around some of Marmoset's clipping plane limitation. In the end we didn't have time to rework the video in Unity or other engines so we decided to include the untextured flythrough as well.
It's a shame the smallest's props textures can't be seen closer, since we put a good effort and care into them.
Flythrough video Marmoset/Maya:
by Leonardo Russo on Sketchfab
by Antonio Schiavelli on Sketchfab
Hello, me and Shamorn, my teammate are very excited to participate in the WORLDS contest. We opted for a Fantasy setting. We'll keep you updated
In times unknown the Umlioqis, a secluded, portal-travelling, shamanic tribe felt a distant call; magic in nature. The Elders, promptly, sent out parties trough one of the tribe's magic portals, in order to determine the origin of the mysterious call. On the other side, the explorers found a barren, desertic world, once fertile and mostly covered in water; and the ruins of an ancient and magnificent city.
The call came from beneath the city and, now, felt extremely loud and potent; the source of which they soon discovered to be glowing magic crystals, half-buried in sand. Indeed, the explorers where shocked in disbelief, when they recognized in the crystal a primal and uncontaminated specimen of their homeland's gem, the Vaniscite; a powerful magic artifact, the base of the tribe's advanced machinery and magicks.
The Umlioqis supposed that the Vaniscite, previously hidden beneath the ocean, emerged after the Cataclysm. A monumetal natural disaster that caused extensive climatic collapses; temperate and fertile land quickly turned to desert while barren wastelands were given new life, on a global scale.
Accostumed to the homeland's rigid climate, the tribe decided to built a new home on the ruins of the acquatic city, in order to harness the full power of the newly discovered crystals.
Jun 20, '17
last reply
Oct 18, '17