Hi, I've been trying to practice greyscale on my own for about a year plus and I'm still having trouble with it.. I watched youtube tutorials , imagine FX magazine and researched online but still having trouble with the color value part. Is there anyway I can practice this that can make me understand value and putting it in my head ?

If you understand how to light and shade a basic shape, it makes paint values a bit easier. IN Marc video on the female figure and shading a surfaces, shows good ways of how to break down a big form and simplify it for shading. Try to think of the basic shape of the object. You can even draw basic shapes over your drawing. Figure out where your light sources are and apply things one by one. Hopefully this helps.

Thank you for the info, so I start with basic shapes first right ?

Yes basic shapes first.

Good advice Malcolm! I always think about form the most when painting greyscale. I think about the peaks and depressions that make up the subject. This helps me decide where the value will go and what to blend into. I also remember that if it is the face we're talking about that the darkest parts are the pupils, the nostril holes, and the corners of the lips. Just remember where the light hits the subject and think about where the light is coming from because it makes a huge difference.

The easiest way to add color to your greyscale is a layer with overlay color. You cant expect it to be perfect and some overpaint is required. After that you can tweak things on the curves attribute window both rbg curve and each color seperately red-green-blue. whenever you are in doubt look at a photo of something similar and you will see where you are off.
Apart from tutorials the best way to understand values is to study statues' photos which are basically white and grey so you simply focus at that and color doesnt confuse you.
I had a lot of trouble figuring out the trantition myself so good luck.

I moved this topic into Art critique. Also here is a fix on the sphere

Here some really good examples of basic shapes being lit up from different angels that you can study and try to understand.

And lastly here is a video from ctrl-paint that can help you out as well. He has a lot of great videos himself with I recommend checking out. Hopefully this helps.

ahhh ok. will try again and post up the practice for comments. :o

This is a lot better. :+1:

yay :smiley: , so umm now that im done with this one, when i wan to put color in it. is the lighting of the greyscales actually effects it ? like when i put blue on it, its like normal blue when i put yellow its like a darkish brown yellow.

19 days later