Hy There ^^/

My name is José Francisco but you can call me Francis if you want, I'm 23 and I discovered and started studying art 3 years ago by myself and I started the Art school because although I have achieved a lot by myself I felt there was something missing from my work, maybe what I would call that pro feeling XD. I have started this course a week ago so I don't have much to show for now but I can't wait to share more with you guys as I receive and give feedback back so we can all get better together, LETS GOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
last drawing before i started Art School

I didn't have much time today but I always try to do something just so I can't say that I didn't do anything, here are some poses

Ooh this looks good!! :smiley:

I really like the dynamism of the bow and arrow one! I think you really captured the gesture of it, noice!

Welcome to art school Jose, Loving those figure studies. You look loose when you're drawing which charges your images with energy. Hadouken!!!

thank you so much ^^, when I do works like this more than just figuring out how all the parts work together I try to understand how they should feel so that the next step and the full drawing dosent feel so stiff.

thank you so much ^^, I try to give priority to what feels right instead of if it looks right, and doing that helps make the poses more loose and dynamic which in return helps give more energy so you can feel your power bar faster for that sick power move xD
Yoga Flame!!!!!!!!

So today i took the time to do the full figure from the reference

OOH that looks GREAT! it looks like something u can find in a manga. nice line work!

thank you, I'm a big fan of grappler Baki and kengan ashura, maybe that is why I like to draw people in fighting poses xD, I love the energy and how intricate the poses are