Thank you for the feedback. 
Lets go in order.
background was done using multiple photos(photo manipulation) and then painted over top of to get the look I wanted. I manully painted other things such as the clouds, mountains and sand. Really needed the photos for colors but I up'ed the saturation and painted over everything to make it more of what I wanted.
Yeah the shirt can blend in areas with the skin but the focus wasn't in that area so hopefully it wasn't something you noticed at first glance. I can always go back and fix that if its an major problem.
The right arm feeling shorter to the left is something I thought about as well. The Bicep looks small. Luckily that's not an hard change to make.
The head any lower an it looked off. I used a reference to double check it. Maybe its because of the collar it appears the way it does. I don't know.
Glad you liked my interpretation of it.
Again thanks a lot for the feedback. Really appreciate it.