Hello, I'm kinda new to art (completely new if you don't consider doodling stuff from the head once in a full moon) especially at digital and painting and just wanted to share my recent fanart (in progress) somewhere, so I decided to try this place (I have twitter here but its super new and have no followers ^^").

I'll try to paint it in a way like I saw other people paint their artwork..looks more like sculpturing than following the lineart itself. idk how to explain. I hope it'll look more realistic this way? idk, i'll try and see how it'll go!

I would like to get some critiques, would be greatly appreciated :smile:

Farnart of Eva from Another Eden WIP

ah, this is her btw (official artwork):

btw these are rest of my works I've done so far, I hope you'll enjoy! feedback would be appreciated :smile:

11 days later

Dragon Lady :3 took me alot of time to paint this, tried a different method, was abit messier...But I think I'm overall satisfied with it. Hope you will enjoy!

Excellent job to push to the finish! Its not easy. Congratulations!

Now you get to fresh start, go study the topics you think you struggled with and post those studies. And start working on your next one! Looking forward to it.

Thanks! Yeah it wasn't easy, There's so much to learn..

2 months later

I know I have proportion problems, I've ordered a book that will arrive in a few days and I hope it will help me.
I actually have marc's course as well but his anatomy class is...really good, but i feel I need more "tips" for the flow of the work without thinking too much. And his course in anatomy is SO overwhelming to me. I have a feeling its not supposed to be THAT complicated as he made it look like...
I have this thing that when I (for example) drew Toothless, I didnt think too much about it, it it turned out my greatest painting (imo).
But I tried harder in other paintings I did, and they turned out less better.
I think Its because I lacked this general "flow" and "confidence" I had with Toothless painting.

So i hope this book I ordered will help me study anatomy in a less complicated way so I can just, let the art flow in my work.
Cuz I really want to also learn how to draw humans correctly, not just monsters/animals.