Hi everyone!
I first came in here for the first ART WAR, the experience was awesome, I'm an aspiring artist so of course wasn't really expecting to win, but to learn, and I did, but there's so much more.
Now I'm back hoping to get some feedback on my most recent works, as I've surely learned more about values and light. Of course I'm still aware of the long road ahead, so here I am.
I'd really appreciate anyone coming by to critique, and I'll also hang around to give back as much as i can.
Here's my latest version of that original submission.

Here's that original submission.
Transcending Robot, ARTWAR

Thank you in advance.

Good to see you back. This is looking a lot better than before. There are a few anatomy tweaks you can make. Example being the right pectoral and the proportions of the arms. At the moment they are too short.
Other than anatomy fixes, it would be defining materials better. Besides those, this is a really cool concept piece. :+1:

Hey Malcom! Yes you are right about those specific proportions, I had my doubts about those, thank you very much.

I really appreciate the concept that evokes me different characters (Bolvar Pendragon, with robotic limbs). I also am a big fan of inner glowing characters.
I would not have noticed his pectoral shortness.

Is, his right arm a light source ? (I am really bad to dertermine where does the light come from) (I would say from behind (left) and right side light. But His glowing arms intrigues me.

Good Work anyways

18 days later

Thank you very much for your comment!
His right arm heats up hehe but it isn't a light source, it comes, just as you said, from the sides, and the orange thing behind him is just for flair hehe