Honestly I think it’s hard to find teachers and people willing to spend the time helping people for free unless they are your friends. Or you run into someone like me trying to get better at teaching, and selfishly using the opportunity to brush up on my own knowledge.
So just help others and make online friends. Help foster the community of art education with links, suggestions etc.
And even then, your friends, they may not have the best knowledge base or just be looking for something wrong in order to help you.
With that, I recommend taking all critiques with a grain of salt including teachers you pay for. Include mine in this list. I always put warnings like I do in mine if you’ve read some of the others, because I can never truly know the makers intention. I’ve had one teacher love things, and another one hate them. And very often I've heard teachers say the exact thing I thought they were going to say and have the thought, "Aw man I already knew that."
You’ll start to think things like, “what would teacher say?” When you are by yourself.
Once you learn enough, you have to be your own worst critic, because only you know your true intentions. Ever try making a piece a second time? A third? It’s interesting what you learn because you will skip whole steps you languished over before, or realize they only take a few minutes.
I don’t really know where this type of community exists other than schools and paid mentor-ships, because teaching art takes so much time. They are fantastic for learning however. You pay for the networking of hard working friends, and a teacher who has friends in the industry. It is also the fast track to learn what you are doing wrong and make corrections to your art work.
Conventions and workshops are pretty good places too. I've looked up all the artists that handed me a card.
I am putting together outlines for products I want to make on cubebrush for various subjects next year, so feel free to support my efforts when they come out. If they ever do
. And you can hit me up on discord any time.