
I just got back to drawing after a pretty long break, not even the first one, so I decided that it's time to stay for good, and also create a blog here to engage with the awesome community and stay motivated.

I spent some time today just remembering how to hold a stylus, practicing some anatomy, how to shade, etc., and just trying to get back to speed. Still really rusty though :grimacing:

Hi. Nice work with these sketches. I bet you'll get back to it soon enough.
Looking forward to seeing some more from you.
Good luck and see you around. :smile:

Hey! this study looks awesome, I'm sure you'll get right back into it! Looking forward to seeing more :grinning:

Hello there, and don't worry this is a great study. The anatomy and proportions look fantastic. Good luck with your art and stay motivated. :smile:

Thank you for the kind words, guys :smiley:

I've been doing some more studies, working mostly on painting. So here's a value study of some cool character by anthony jones, and a hanzo study, where I was trying to figure out the proportions and colors and stuff.