You could probably focus on material rendering, like putting more contrast on the metal objects for example, but in general it looks really nice!

Yeah, I'll second what @ragecandy wrote. I'd also add that the head might be a tad small, but it's possible that it's just my eyes playing tricks on me. :smile:

But overall I think it looks solid and I'm liking the direction you are going!

Yeah I've been told that the head looks a bit too small so I'll definately focus on that more! Thank you :smile:

A few things:

  • The sword's hilt looks a bit flat, and values are too similar to the woman's clothing so maybe brighten it up and add a slight gradient on the side to give it more depth.
  • Mask can use more contrast because it is an important part of the image as it adds a lot of story and looks really cool.
  • Her shoulder armor has a lot of potential to be of visual interest, but as people mentioned above, it might work if you just render it out to look more metallic and specular.
  • Maybe experiment with adding something by her feet so that it isn't completely empty down there, like tattoos or jerewlry.
  • Lastly, highlights and rim lighting up the wazoo! :smile:.

Great design overall!

PS maybe also add a slight gradient to the sword's blade to give it a little bit of a push into the background and add some depth.