This is my first entry as a newby here in the Cubebrush Forum :blush:
I haven't posted much online so far (except instagram), but i'd love to built up some followers for feedback / help / improvement and ofc find new artist that i can stalk :wink: wink wink ! Im currently involved at Games Academy in Berlin, Germany, and im reaching the end of my Program :scream:

So here's my first post (i hope the nudity is okay?) to which i'd love to know if the anatomy is alright, major issues that pop up in poses or whatever you find that needs mentioning and changing ! :smiley:

Thanks for viewing :3 and ofc feedback is much appreciated, since i want to grow as an Artist and improve my Portfolio!

PS: Sorry for bad english, my native language is german :d

It looks pretty swell to me, you seem to understand what you are drawing. I like the original hairdos :smile:

welcome to community... nice face design so far... some little proportion failures, but i`m sure u can overcome those easily... would like to see some costume concepts too .... keep up the good work

Thanks <3 ! Yes, costumes will be a step. First i'll do the basic shading for the skin and some costume sketches on top :3 thank you !

It looks fairly nice so far! I like that the drawing are clean. I can't do that XD

I'll also second @cammie555 comment about the hairstyles. They look cool. Overall good job and I'm really looking forward to see what you'll do with their costumes.

Thank you @cedricgo ! :smile: but uhm yeah, those are the "cleaned" sketches hahaha! The first path was very very rough. I posted them on instagram, if you wonna check it out :yum:

Ill post an update soon :innocent:

Welcome to Cubebrush! Good to have you here :smile:

Seht sehr gut aus! The only thing that's bothering me are the arms the 2nd and 3rd pose. I'm not sure but I keep looking back at those arms. The upper arms look a tiny bit too short compared to the lower arm? The length of the whole arms are fine, mostly.

Are you trying to foreshorten the arms? Then ignore what I just said, I'm not good at foreshortening.

Will keep an eye on these pretty elf ladies. I like the 3rd especially. : )

Hi @kigerneko :relaxed:

The arms alright! Now that you mentioned, i could make the lower arm a little longer, or you know, fix them a bit up. Ill give it a shot.

Thank you for the feedback ! :two_hearts: Im happy to hear you like them :smile: specially the third ! hehe!

Hi guys! Thanks so much for the amazing nice feedback I got on my last (and first) post!

Heres a small update on the Characters :blush:

I fixed the arms a bit @kigerneko , is it better now?

Here are some light, medium and heavy armory as well :smile: they are very very rough, just to get some basic ideas and shapes. Any recommendations for them so far? Not so good in creating armory is what i always feel like but ya :x still love drawing them. I try to push making them more and more detailed but ahh. just after a while cant tell what i should add..

Thanks for viewing ! :heart:

Instead of using words I'll use a picture of Marc's female body sculpture to show you what I mean. Cut the picture and paste it next to your characters :blush: I hope you understand what I meant, then.
This sculpture shows a skinny female, though and different races actually have different body proportions.

11 days later

Hi folks,

a small update on what ive been working recently. I watched a loooot of tutorials and worked a lot, so i hope i made some progress :smiley:
Here are the basic lines of a new character I worked on so far, any feedback is much appreciated and feel free to over draw to show anatomy mistakes or such?

Thanks! <3