This is my first post!

I'll be using this post to show off my submission. I hope you all find it awesome.

I wanted to make a character that commands robotic creatures using various tools. critique welcome.

This is the first pass. Extremely fast sketch.
DECEMBER 22 Progress:

Second pass. Fleshed out facial features.

I'm going to do three 'beasts' in the final product.

Pak: Packmule-bull hybrid. It has some big turrets on its sides.
Dove: A floating orb, scouting type of dealio.
Sam: A killer hell-hound robot with a turret on its back.

All three will have a similarity in the fact that they will have an aqua glowing orb. This will attach them to Argon in the end.



Worked a bit on the end detail piece. Decided the face was too tacky, as well as some other things. I don't know the requirements for the end product when it comes to what is included so I think I'll do a narrative illustration. Should be fun.

Here's the basic concept:

Really promising!

So many elements wow, good armor designs and ideas, if you pull this off perfectly, this would be really really effective and insanely good. Really creative keep it up! :smile:

I love the code arm idea.. really creative!

Is one of the most fresh ideas and concepts i've seen so far in this forum. i love it , keep it up .

Echoing 1st response by mod.
Cool idea for sure.

1 month later

I changed everything.

I don't think this breaks any rules but:

Argon the code druid is now a gigantic robot that controls many little robots. Here is a peek at the final illustration:

Am I missing anything? Do I just post my final illustration as a reply? thanks.

About the only thing I kept was the skinny chicken legs and the antlers.