Hey there!

Felix (or Psydator if you want) is my name and I'm here to share with you my competitor for the #ARTWAR and the process of his creation aswell as a brief story of his origin and my inspiration for him.

Name: Felix Arndt
E-mail: psydator1@gmail.com
You can find me on
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artist/psydator
DeviantArt: http://artassin.deviantart.com/ (yea, different nickname, because that account is much older than my current nick)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000856704709

Ok! So my Idea is to create a "Space-Leviathan". For all those who have no idea what a Leviathan is: It is a sea creature from the jewish and christian mythology and is a composition of crokodile, a dragon a snake and a whale.
My intention is to put all that in space (because everything is more awesome in space!).
I'm going to realize that by making it an AI (artificial intelligence) which broke loose on a space station and is since growing by assimilating spaceships and space stations and building itself from parts of those ships and stations. It is moon sized at this point and continously growing. Though it's size makes it very powerful and dangerous it is also it's inevitable death due to the rapdly rising power consumption and lack of efficient sources.

my latest sketch, not there yet. I find it extremely hard to fing the right form / silhouette.

and a few sketches from my sketchbook. Ideas and stuff.

So... this is a collection of artworks (from different people, who deserve credits and a lot of respect!) to show how I imagine the anatomy and form and character of the little guy. Of course it will be mechanic and all-metal and not under water. I also added some space stations because his "base form" was a space station and I want this to be visible in the final result. A lot of these pictures show very evil-looking creatures, which is not really my goal. My Leviathan is dangerous but not pure evil, it is only an AI which wants to survive and evolve.

A lot will change but it will take a while since I'm also buisy working for my university project. I'll do as much as I can, as soon as I can, though.

Tell me if you like it and what you think!

Tank you! :smile:

ok ok. That idea is very interesting. it gets bigger by assimilating other ships.
Im interested to see how this story grows

1 month later

Looks like I'm not going to be able to finish this in time, but maybe I'll finish and upload the final thing anyway. Here's more for now. The design is a real struggle for me as you can see.