I choose the earth as my element. Having not that much ideas and loving dragons, i explored differents aspects which could relate to my element (mud, dust, rock, lianas...)

I don't have precise ideas about his capacity yet but i thought about something like make some earth pillar growing out from the ground or walls by hitting the surface.
Then i choose one of the shape which attracted me more than the others, visually speaking. And i explored differents lines with for the texture of the body.

Hello! I have somewhat advanced on the project. I realized that I had left pretty quickly on my dragon and that in the end it was not that original. So I did another with much more research based on ink.

This dragon would be composed of ink or petroleum surrounded / sealed by large ribbons of fabric. I was mainly inspired by Mongolian motifs.

Hi, after many opinions from my friends and my professor the idea of ink made me think of water more than earth, although on a scientific level it's closer to earth. So I kept the shape and worked with a more natural side. My idea is to make the heart of the form in sap, and this "carapace" in root.
Here are some research sketches for the shape of the roots on the body but also the placement of the holes.

Not really knowing how to represent the face and wanting to represent as a mask, I made different variations.

Hey, I'm posting what I didn't have time to post: color tests.

Thank you very much! I also like your work very much, especially your sketches!

Here is the beginning of the final, I didn't have a lot of time to work on it but I think the idea of the atmosphere is there. Thanks for watching what I did!