Hello! It's an heavy guy you have here.
I like A, it's straight to the point (without the horns). The main idea of the mouth on the torso, which is cool, is not enough readable probably because of the shape/orientation of the teeth.
Maybe you can draw teeth more like rocks or jaw like those machine to crush cars, you get the idea.
looks sweet dude, specially the light hitting that foot xD
You could try bringin some darker shadows into the foreground tentacles to push the depth. The orb in the background also reads more like a flattened sphereoid at the moment, i think whether you want it to be like that or a full sphere you could put some more defined reflections and highlights to emphasise it's form: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41DmgRIRPOL._UY395_.jpg
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