
My name is Erik and I’m 44. :flushed: As a teenager, everyone called me talented at art but I didn’t have the drive to keep it going. After getting a Master of Science degree and working for 10 years I felt I wanted to return to art for personal fulfillment. 10 years into my rebooted art journey I feel I need a refresh, and I think this course might be it.

My main issue is that I keep chasing the next shiny object. So before I master anything I move on to some other art-related topic (graphic design, vectorized drawings, 2D painting, 3D modeling, 3D sculpting). But I keep returning to 2D painting and I need to revisit the basics.

My short-term goal is to be able to draw generic female and male bodies from imagination in any position from a normal perspective. (Using reference to figure out details of course.) My long-term goal is to create wonderful colored paintings.

This is a painting that I made in 2017 which I still think is pretty good except for the background. It's probably a good measuring stick to what I can do.

Let's see what kind of level-up this course can give me. :grinning:

HI Erik, welcome to the ARTSCHOOL forums! Always nice to see people returning to art.

Your start off point is already super good! Can't wait to see all you'll create!

Welcome! You clearly have a lot of skills already! One thing I have heard Marc recommend artists that are joining that have skills is to move through the program with an open mind like you are a baby and absorb everything in order even if you have a firm grasp on it. I can't wait to see your improvement. Keep it up!

Yeah, I watched the "Enhanced learning" video and noticed that "F stands for forget". And I had that in mind when I watched the Photoshop tutorial. Knew pretty much all of it, but watching it made me understand what he wants to emphasize. And I might have picked up a trick or two. :wink:
And I'll definitely do all the exercises even if I feel I know it already.