Name: Stefano

Final Illustration:

Concept Sheet:

Hi everyone! I've chosen the light side, here my initial sketches:
I've made some silhouettes, took one and detailed, I'll probably do the same with the first silhouette, the arcer, and then decide which one use for the final illustration :smile:

The idea of the character it's simple, she is part of a warrior caste, devoted to light and whose sole purpose is to fight the darkness:

The caste of the warriors of light.
Subtracted from certain death, found in places corrupted by the darkness, an entire life are trained, for they are the only ones capable to defeat it.
She is their leader, Luce, protector of the righteous who live under the wing of light.

Of course any critique is very welcome!

Interesting concept and backstory as well! Have you settled on a colour palette yet?

Thank you! I didnt work on that yet, but I was thinking about warm colors, to emphasize more she is on the light side :smile:

Ooh I think warm colours would be awesome !! Good idea!

really love the idea !

looking forward for more :smiley:

Hi guys, thank you so much!
Sorry for my late reply, I finally had some time to make some palette:

First one has too much strong colors, 2 makes her looks too much "ghosty", not good for a light side character, so I'm undecided between the 3 and the 4 that are almost the same palette but inverted.
What do you think? :smile:

I think you can lower the color contrast between the general suit color and the golden accent color from 1, for example you can choose a color close to white instead of that dark blue

Sure I have to try! a lighter value will suit better, thank you :smile:

I'm stuck between 2 and 3

Nice work. With your last pass of colors, I had trouble telling whether they would be on the Light or Dark side. Seeing them with gold definitely pushed them onto the side of light, imho. They all look a bit like they're underwater, but the gold is a great touch, either the super-yellow gold in 1 & 2 or the more muted take in 3 & 4. I personally like the warmer gold and the first two to balance out all the cool colors, but any of these would work. Good lck whichever you choose! :+1:

10 days later

Your original version is more original and stand out more. Good choice of colors :dizzy:

i agree first version looks better!

Thank you guys, yeah first one is better, anyway I just tryed to make another version of the first but taking the leg design of the second

I have to decide between this or the original and then i can move to making some composition thumbnails for the final illustration :smile:

Dude, looking awesome. Really spot on metal rendering.
One tip though, you should really push the sillouett of the character. Right now, everything is super duper form fitting. I know that might have been what you're going for. But strictly speaking from shape language, you really need to capture interest with the sillouett.
By that, I mean, push some of the edges of the armor out a bit. Indentations and protrusions.
At the moment you have it on the hips and the lower arms. But I think you really should push it out a tiny bit more, and add the same elements to the least of the armor pieces.
Ex. Make the gold trim on the shoulder pads protrude a bit. The end of the gold frills on her skirt cloth protrude with a jagged edge from the cloth. BUT most importantly, protrude the leg armor for the love of god! They look really strange and wonky since they have the same appearance of the gold bands on the waist and collar, but go Perfectly formfitting around the legs. Make the knees pop out, and be back of the leg armor to perhaps make a bump in the cloth on the back of her thigh.

I hope that helps you push it further. ^^ Otherwise looking great so far! ^^ Nice colors and lighting.

14 days later