Hello flamer.. nice to read your short story.. I guessed it would become a good base to improve your concept. And about your thumbnails, I liked your number six.
It seemed like a forgotten civilization that need to be improved by your elf..
Keep it up man...

Thank you very much : ) Very soon I'm gonna do a rough with that idea! : )

8 days later

Love the mood, and all the sketches you've done for this... so much work :smile: Really looking good so far - look forward to more! :smile:

Thank you very much! ^^ I'm really glad it's slowly turning out something good.

Hello flamer
It seems nice, I really like your progress. Now your image has a strong focal point, and I believe the viewer eyes will stop there.
However, the dark level between foreground and background are looked similar, and as if there were no distance between them. So, if you try to repair, and separate the dark level among foreground, main ground, and background, it will improve your result

Thank you

Nice, you've come pretty far already! A lot of the image is really dark right now, so you should probably lighten some of it up. Use value to create some depth in the image, keep the foreground dark, but lighten up the mid ground some. Keep on going!

Thank you @hebronppg and thank you @raedrob :smile: You're right about that hebron, it seems like the midground just lost between the foreground and the background. I think it must be value an foreshortening error although there's not much foreshortening to talk about here, maybe just the scales don't add up. I'm gonna fix the issue today ^^
Thank you for your responses ^^

11 days later

Here's another update ^^ I think this will be roughly the final result maybe I'll tweak some sort of parts that might be done better. Although I've had a great fun with my piece although I feel maybe I overdid it in some sort of way, but I think I'm quite happy with it.

10 days later

It's great mood and coloring. One of those hidden wordls I would like to live in :smile: Can't wait to see it finished.

So I've been thinking a lot if I want to work on my piece or should I declare it as a finished piece. I decided to go with a more stunning looking piece. So here's my update:

I've touched up the piece quite a bit I couldn't resist myself to do more with it :smiley:
So I've changed a lot of parts on the render, added a bit more mist to it.

Also I made an additional concept sheet to summarize my process:

Overall I'm really satisfied with this project It's been quite fun doing it, I think I've learned a lot and also learned a lot from the responses and from people here. :smile:

Also I want to thank @volenck, @hebronppg, @raedrob and @obra-kalla for their responses, encouragements and contribution to this project with their advices :smile: Thank you guys!

You did a great job here and... there's still a few minutes to change title of thread to format "FINAL | WORLDS | 2D or 3D | Entry Name | Username" :wink: . Good luck!


Thank you very much! I just did it really quick haha!

Hey @flamer btw I thought you forgot to include your final result and concept sheet in your first post. Please recheck the rule once more...

Wow... this has really turned out incredibly well... Awesome work - really well done :smile: Great job!

9 days later