3rd and last environmental study for this term:
I'm not gonna lie, getting the perspective in a proper way for this was a really tough job and I ended up eyeballing some of those lines :P. I still don't know what else is used for those heavy perspective drawings that they look very natural and at the same time lines seem to not converge to the same horizon. It's very confusing and I don't know where I could find an answer for it.
Maybe studying more perspective would help so I have to get some books about it.
But also, as I'm slowly progressing through this 3rd term, I managed to make 5 heads from imagination. Although keeping them facing the camera was the hardest thing to do XD.
I kept them sketchy for a reason, cause I rushed it a little bit and ended up working on one layer only. I'm drawing way less recently due to some health issues and I must admit, I somehow forgot how to make a proper face