6-8 clothing studies (out of 12).
First two are so far may favorite and turned out great. The last one is a bit half-assed, but I think I choose the wrong photo with a material that's too much textured and it messed up with my perception of folds.

Also, another three of putting cloth onto undressed figure. I've decided to not make it too rendered as I think of this exercise as of something that helps me understand how the folds can react on body and sometimes I'm spending too much time with this, I don't have much energy to render it :P.

Also - I've noticed that with this assignment using and AI generated clothes is not that bad as I only need to see the main shape and folds and I can adjust the rest quite easily :). I still don't like using it, but picking a first seen reference saves a lot of time :).
All those are works from the past month, my back still won't let me to sit too long with drawing, so I'm trying to take it easy, but also trying to learn how to draw faster. So the rendered studies takes between 1,5 to 2 hours of work, while the other cloths I'm getting done in around 40 minutes to an hour.
So I think I've sped up the process a little bit 
Looking forward to work more on the assignments, so I could finally go to the next topic and next term soon.