Alrighty here's my first bunch of assignments.
Personally I found the Term 7 Enhanced Learning lecture that the Discord recommends we check out first to be just as useful. Took a whole bunch of notes and I think have already taken much of that info on board. If anyone else starting out reads this strongly encourage you also watch it and take notes before jumping into the exercises.
I went about as I expected with the drawing exercises, not great not terrible.
Not much to say here I think.

Think I did okay with the adjustments, though I couldn't figure out how to further tweak the final image without washing out certain areas and losing details.

Photobashing isn't something I've tried much. Although the result is kinda goofy I enjoyed figuring out how to make the images sort-of fit once I'd gotten the hang of the various tools.

The apples were a tricky but interesting challenge and definitely the most time-consuming of the lot. Learned a bunch doing it and became more comfortable using the various tools, though my workflow was an utter mess of disorganized layers by the end

Pretty unhappy with my attempt at Kiefer Donald Sutherland. Using only the tools shown I just couldn't figure out how to age his features by predominantly grabbing them from the img of S. Senior without simply having them take over S. Junior's face entirely.
Frankly I'd already spent a ton of time on the apples and had a idea for the final assignment I was excited to get to...

For the final image I had a go at an INCONCEIVABLE amalgamation of comedic actor Wallace Shawn with dark lord Voldemort. Aside from the slightly warped collar I think I did the best I could using the liquify tool alone, and I was laughing pretty hard for much of it too.