I like this piece. You have a nice and fun little story element going on and I like that.

As for feedback, the thing that first came to my mind was the lighting. Your lighting doesn't seem to quite match with the sun, which seems to be the only lightsource. Since it is in front of the viewer, then the cast shadows should be coming towards us and the side of the characters on the viewer's side should also be in shadows. You seem to have gotten that last part with the characters kneeling down, but the little guy with the staff and the central figure seems to have a more ambiguous lighting that doesn't quite match. For example, the one with the staff has his face illuminated like he had a light shining toward his face, which doesn't really make sense with the rest.

Now I'm not sure if I'm making any sense, but I made this very quick overpainting to roughly show the changes I would do.
I think it makes it a bit more dramatic too. Now I may have overdone it a little, but hopefully you get the idea :smile:

But yeah, the lighting is really the only major thing that jumped at me. Beyond that, I really like the scene and your characters design. It reminds me of One Piece a little bit, but with your own twist. So that's pretty cool!

I think the composition is a little flat and boring, and needs more of a dramatic entrance vibe. Maybe drop the pov lower so you're looking up at the main character, and have him bigger as well. Please ignore the perspective in my example, I just wanted to do a brief impression.