TERM 1 - Image Adjustments (week 1)

Getting the hang of the functions of Photoshop.
The last image is pretty tough tho! D:

Random little try at a glass of candy on my table. :candy: :sparkles:

So very sorry for the woman I disfigured working alongside the "Photoshop for Digital Prod" video :sweat_smile:

Looking good so far mate. Keep it consistent, practice lots of the basics even if it seems easy


Thanks for the advice, I will try taking it to heart :+1:
I truly do need to practice a lot more frequently!


Ok, so i did a bit more of the Figure Drawing Exercise and I am pretty sure most of it is right, but one thing i cant realy wrap my head around exactly.
Could any of you guys tell me wether the marked arm of the woman is concidered coming towards the viewer or not or just doesn't have any relevant perspective.. .. that arm kinda broke my brain. :sweat_smile:

Here a better Picture of it:

The perspective is looking down on her, so you would see the top planes of the cylinders.

haha, i see what you mean, very dynamic pose there, definitely a bit of a mind bender. looks like a tripod stance, her left foot towards us, right foot back and palm... hard to tell if its mid point or slightly behind her center of gravity with this picture. I'd wager slightly going away from us, but really one thing I've noticed is that as long as it looks right to your eyes it's all good, no need for it to be perfect, just convincing.

I think that's the key word with most art, convincing, it's always a lie. Just like pixels rendered by a gpu are a lie, an illusion, 2D representations of 3D are a type of illusion, and since we aint drawing nasa schematics, noone's gonna suffer XD

..and I attempted the study and helped myself with a bit of perspective and rotating the original image a bit, looks like it matches your cylinders spot on and is heading away from us XD


Holy hell guys, thank's for all the input! :0
Didnt think I would get such detailed Answers. I really appreciate your support on my journey so far guys. The fact, that you spend your time making a study on it is really awesome. :pray: :open_hands:

And i think I can understand the topic better now because of it :smile:

Also: "the key word with most art, convincing, it's always a lie" thats a pretty true statement - I'll keep that in mind :+1: