Ahoy, I'm Shane :smile:

I used to draw a lot as a kid, then less as a teen, then stopped a few years after I graduated from year 12 and entered the workforce - I'm 40 now and have decided to revisit drawing with the intention to develop my skills to a point where I can work towards shifting career paths.

Feel free to share any comments, criticisims, or suggestions - I seldom take anything to heart :smile:

Here are my six assignments for Term 1 - Photoshop for Digital Production 1.

Hi, Congrats on starting your art journey! Your Pen control is already better than mine, and the composite picture looks awesome. Looking forward to seeing your progress :smile:

Welcome to the forums Shane! You are off to a great start. I really look forward to seeing your progress. I am in a fairly similar life situation feel free to hit me up if you ever need an ear. Welcome to the forums!

9 days later

Thanks mate 😊 I'll definitely hit you up when needed.