Hi everyone. This is my first post in this forum. I finally got some time to start the Art School and plan to get some serious progress in the next 6 months. I'm happy to be part of this community and hope I find some nice and helpful people here. :smile:

Here are my first assignments:

Draw the lines at nr. 1 very fast. The rest slower.

I was lazy with the apples. I think it's pretty obvious that it's fake.

Have been a little lazy with this one too. Only changed the eyes and nose. :wink:

Looking good so far! Your color corrections are really close.
I see your dream house is an abandoned house or school :joy: Nice job with the edits and creating an overall mood.
The parts that you did edit for the face manipulation look nice, but the jaw needed to be wider and the lips a little thinner.
Really like what you've got going so far, can't wait to see more!

Thanks a lot! Yeah...somehow I overread the part about the dream house. :sweat_smile:

Tried to use a more complex reference for a skeleton. Took me far longer than I thought it would. Doesn't really feel right how it came out. Especially with the palvis I had a hard time. Any tips for me? :wink:

I think the limbs look good! For the pelvis I'd try a different shape, it's hardly a cylinder and more of a box or oval. Also be careful with the head, you cut off some of it on the right side. Her hair doesn't have that much volume. Hope this helps!

Of course it helps. :grin:
Thank you. I will try another forms.