Good day! Been drawing this goblin for about a day now, and found myself stuck as to how to approach the arms. I fear they may be too long, and that I should shorten them, but not sure if that's the right approach, or if I need to change some other part of the body to make it look better. Thus, I ask for any advice and feedback that can be used to further my progression on the piece below!
Without clothing on. Showing more of the rough sketch/gesture drawing.
With clothes, sort of suit and tie type of deal. Went with how World of Warcraft imagined goblins, but plan to make more interesting, based fantasy goblins in the future.
Still working on the legs, as they're still rough sketches, can't seem to work out how to do the crotch area either. So help there too would be awesome!
Critiques and feedback outside of the aid are also welcomed! I'm always happy to listen to input and tips.