3D Submission Requirements

One Entry per person max. No texture/polycount limit. Teams of up to 3 allowed but prizes will all be shipped to the same address. When you're done, add all your FINAL submission pieces to your topic's first post and edit your topic title using this EXACT format:

FINAL | WORLDS | 2D or 3D | Entry Name | Username

🅰 Final Image

  • Dimensions: at least 2048 pixels in height or width - format of your choice

  • Your environment should have a clear point of interest (focal point)

  • This is THE image to display your environment in all its glory. Everything has to be 100% 3D with only minor post-processing.

🅱 Embedded Marmoset Viewer

  • Use our Marmoset embedded viewer to show off your environment - this will be used for judging. The .mview file has a 20mb size limit.


Fly Through Video

  • If you do not include a Marmoset viewer file, you should at least include a video showing your environment so the judges can have a good look at everything you built.

💙 BONUS - Sketchfab

Upload your scene to your Sketchfab portfolio and tag them using the tag #CubebrushWorlds2017 for a chance to win a $500 cash bonus and be featured by Sketchfab's channels and seen by their 1+ million users.

(Alternatively, you can upload the various assets used in your scene if it's too heavy to upload as a whole)

Simply paste the links in the post for your final entry so we can see them!

You can now add audio to your Sketchfab assets for an even cooler portfolio!

Learn how to export directly to Sketchfab from your 3D software

Sketchfab allows for PBR textures, and you can also add annotations and animations to really bring your scenes/assets to life!


Your personal details:

  • Name

  • Email

  • Website

  • @Twitter

  • @Facebook


Good luck!

2 months later

Hey marc, could you please clarify on two things?

If I understand correctly, both ways to present work (A/final image AND B/marmoset) are mandatory, not just one of those two?

What does 'minimal post processing' mean exactly? Could you give examples of allowed edits? I'm asking because I'm thinking of workflow that would be roughly 60-80% 3D and rest would be manual painting/retouching/post processing in Photoshop (such as adding secondary/effect textures, blending between objects/textures, adding minor light sources, fx particles etc.). Would it still suit 3D category?

Hi @tonpix!
Yes, both A & B are mandatory, in which:
A: Final Image
B: Embedded Marmoset Viewer OR Fly Through Video

As for the minor post-processing, some examples are bumping up contrast, color correction or adding slight blur in distance.
I'm afraid an image done 60% in 3D and 40% in 2D does not fit the 3D category.
The B part of the submission is also there so that the judges can see the 3D model by itself, without the post processing.

Would the 60/40 ratio fit 2D category then (seems it could be something akin to matte painting)?


Actually, your answer made more questions for me :smile:

1). So basically it's best if static render (A/final image) is done in marmoset? Or can it be done in raytracer renderer such as keyshot for high quality?

2). Most important question, if it's allowed for static final image to be rendered in raytracer, how much of importance for juding is flyby/marmoset, how much is it important for it to be close to final image in terms of appearance? What exactly judges are going to look for in marmoset?

The difference in quality and production time between raytracer and realtime is vast and I would like to be clear of what's yes and no in terms of judging. If marmoset can be used as kind of preview. To see how scene/world is built. And whether appearance (texture/lighting quality) in both marmoset/flyby video is important or not.

Not going to lie, marmoset is a bit troublesome aspect to me because of issues with my ancient gpu and requirement to make models/textures in reasonable sizes and polygon counts, unwrapping and so on. I'm still thinking of optimal workflow strategy. Perhaps flyby/turntable video can be low quality? (480p or 720p, replace complex materials with simple diffuse materials to cut down rendering time of frames etc.?)

All right, I'll try anser as best I can :smile:
For 2D:
"You may use 3D for the construction of your environment only - no 3D objects or materials should be visible in your final illustration."
"For example, you can't have the textures do most of the work in 'rendering' your final illustration."
This must hold true for a 2D submission. More about that in FAQ.

1.) You can do the render in whichever program you choose. I can't really say which one is best for you.
2. Final image is the most important part of your submission in terms of presentation. The Marmoset / video is there so the judges can see your model in its entirety, from all angles, get a better feel for it etc.
Obviously it would be best if it was as close to the final image as possible. But the judges aren't going to nitpick every single difference. I cannot really tell you what each judge will be looking for and how they will judge. The words 'reasonable' and 'your best judgement' come to mind.
Yes, the texture/lighting can be lower quality, but try nothing too drastic. Will your video show all the important aspects in 480p? If yes go ahead.It's better submitting a lower quality video than not submitting at all.

Thanks for clarifying :smile: Now I'm wondering, since my idea isn't a open world, but rather something miniature, to be placed on table. Turntable animation would suit it. However would it be okay'ish if I rendered, for example, only 10-20 frames from all angles? And put them into 360 image viewer (something you can see sometimes on online shops to check products before buying)? That way judges can pretty clearly see how model is built from different angles, quality probably would be very close to final image and rendering time is much more favorable than rendering all frames for smooth 360 turntable.

This is a example of what I'm thinking (move cursor sideways over image): http://polarnotion.github.io/turntable/

Just less smooth :smile: But I believe it still would fit objectives with B presentation you have mentioned.

Sure, that would be fine, just make sure they can see it directly on forums! Entries should not link to different websites.

hello! I would like to know If I have to give the personal details after or before submission? and where do I have to submit it?

@barilin_l Hello! After, we will contact you about personal details in case you win.
Read the Rules for info about submission :smile:

1 month later

Hi I have a question. When uploading my work in progress images should I keep updating my first forum post or should I create a new but similar topic ?

@cubermich you should only have one topic. Add new progress images by making a new reply in the same topic. Check other people's topics to see how it is done.
I suggest you add all the progress shots so far into the first topic you made, otherwise they may not be counted.

13 days later

I just realized that it was required to write personal details/contact, I have just edited that now, hopefully it's no big deal :smiley: