My character will be a lightning lycan, so first of all i gathered some ref for my lycan, i like the idea that he got no fur

The next step for me was to thinking about his posture cuz i start from the idea that his posture, in a way, will define his personality. So to help myself i took a look at the League of Legend 's characters and Mortal Kombat some of them tempted me

Finally, i'd had this idea that, like Xerath (League of Legend's Champion) he got not skin and his skeleton will be made by his element(here it will be ligthning) but im not sure about this last idea

If u have some advices or feedbacks, then go for it :smile:
(If you see the same post on Artchallenge 2D, it's normal, i failed my first post...^^)

The more i was thinking about his posture, the more i got this new idea that he was a wise and old Lycan, so i started to explore.

But next, i thought, this idea didn't seem fun to me so i explore again some ideas, with accesories, etc...

To continue with my idea of ​​having a modified Lycan I thought about the story of my champion. Igive you the story of my character below, I added 3 champions of friends who also participate in artwar 4

Alsabah was an old adept of Anubis. In a war between Anubis and Seth, he saved Anubis's life breaking his spine in this heroic action.
During his recovery, Anubis decided to put him in a artificial sleep to rescue him. In 2325, 1700 years later, his living body was found by a group of archeologist.
They decided to take care of him and brought him to their laboratory.
In the building, archeologists found that he was still alive and they asked to their scientists if it was possible to waking him up, to which they answered that his still broken spine would put him under unbelievable pain. After some time,
scientits decided that he would be a fitting champion for the electric clan, in the war that was supposed to break out soon.
Using their creativity and shards of a new metal that they had discovered in an other mission, they modified his body with an exo spine.
They now had to take him out of his slumber. Now full of vigor and with a new body, Alsabah felt grateful towards them as he had found a new purpose in helping
them with special missions. He served them across the world for a whole year, and as the war was progressing he earned himself the respect of many fellow soldiers,
becoming a general alongside the famous Brana, the priestess of elecricity. They would need one another to fight The Adler King, the cosmic aberration and Ogún, the terifying fire Djinn
This war was promising to last for long and be bloody.

here are some of references for his exospine

But i have a preference for this one

Here are my references for his weapons, i'll try to do a mixed between these two references. Now i'll stop publish references cuz i have all i need :smile: