Doing some sketches... more warmup than anything else because I still haven't got a clear idea of what I'm going to do yet. Sorry if they are a little bit blurry.

A really spiky agressive paladin

A dualweilding dark warrior

This one is a little more neutral I think

Going more sci-fi but still neutral

Dark undead viking
Still not convinced, gonna do more sketches and try to make them less neutral and more dark/light.

Those sketches looks really good, can't wait to see more!
Good luck :smile:

@rgdraw Thank you! More comin'

Exploring the pirate a little bit

This one looks like Davy Jones with a minigun... I want to see how far can I push a dark side pirate :smile: more tentacles more tentacles... like a Cthulu Thresh mad gankplank Jones... with a minigun :laughing:

You're welcome!
And yeah maybe there's something interesting to find if you keep digging this way :smile: