Hey guys!

Totally new here, just signed up couple mins ago and can't wait to share already :stuck_out_tongue:

Working on this one recently to hone some new skills.

His name is Puh, Puh-goblin! Poor Pugoblin is different, not a goblin nor a dog so he's been discriminated and hurt. Though deep down inside, he stays a softie and full of love, like all dogs are.

Hobby: Gardening!

I will post more progress soon!

Welcome to Cubebrush! :smiley:

Aw the backstory of Pugoblin stole my heart xD I want to hug him till he's a happy Pugoblin again. Pugs are awesome hehe

I have no experience with sculpting but I assume you made this in Zbrush? His props, details and facial expression give him that life-like feel, very well done.
I want to dive into sculpting someday soon as well, looks hella intimidating but hella cool as well.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of your art! ^_^

That's quite nice. I like it.

Thanks guys! Sculpting is fun, just play around with :wink: doesn't bite I promise haha.

Here's another 3d concept exercise I intend to go over. It's a fan art for Zetman the manga/anime. I brought the screencap into photoshop and shrank the head size as I realized it was no where near the hero proportion and he was looking quite goofy with a big head...

Anyhow, I will go over and polish this one soon!

13 days later

Just throwing this up here, still have to do the final comp. Just a plain material and color pass for now but gettin' there!