Hello Everyone! I am Kiyari. I started my Art School Journey about a fortnight ago. I've been drawing on and off and mostly self taught. I have become more aware of the holes in my drawing ability and well decided to start from scratch. I decided to take the plunge in learning after I got myself a new fancy tablet screen and I really would like to learn how to paint better digitally. Here is where my art is currently at and I so much want to improve. It will be interesting to look back at these art and see how much I progressed. My colouring is quite meh and the poses are quite dull. I want to improve in these areas the most.
Anywho, here is some of the assignments I have completed. Just the gesture drawings and perspective lessons I have completed. Slowly working through the photoshop one now.
With the gesture drawings I have been doing 45s or 1min mainly. Its mostly glorified stick figures. I have a long way to go. Its been good practice. I noticed more finer parts of the body now that I never really noticed before.
I struggled with the perspective one alot. Mostly copied the one Marc drew in his example. I don't draw backgrounds at all as I mostly drawing people, so I am completely out of my comfort zone. I got confused with the crooked books that are not upright and I struggled with the bottom curved part of the shelf above the bed.
I'd like to thank anyone in advance who gave up some of their time to look at my progress and give me constructive criticism and/or support! Thank you so much!