Thank you everyone for being so patient, the judges have finally selected the top 5 winners of the WORLDS Challenge! These are in no particular order.

Congratulations on making it this far among such fierce competition!

Now the final round begins. The judges face the difficult task of voting again this time to rank the top 5 winners in each category. Stay tuned to find out who will win the WORLDS Challenge in the final announcement coming soon!


3D Winners

2D Winners

Stay tuned next week for the FINAL results!

Let's hope it really will be a next week. :smiley:

Congrats to finalists [x2]!

Fantastic work by all the other finalists! No matter the ranking you guys did some amazing pieces, good luck! :smile:

Congrats folks!

By the way, probably no way for that, but could I ask for some feedback what my work was lacking comparing to selected R2 finalists?

Congratulations to everyone in the final round! This is so exciting yaaaaaay

I think we all need to thank the judges for taking there time , and actually going through all of our work. So yeah , ahah , Thank you judges!(-:

Congratulations! Good job on getting this far - 'til the next community challenge! have a great day everyone

Congratulation to you guys,, You did a great hard work. Also thanks to our judges for judging our result... God bless

I wish judges wrote why they chose each artwork (like strong and weak points etc.). Though I understand they are too busy. :smile:

congrats to all :blush: , so exciting to be among the fives!!

Hey guys! The judges are taking a bit longer for this round since a lot are spending time with family for thanksgiving, the FINAL results will be announced Tuesday instead!

Family time is important...^^ No worries...

Thanks for letting us know though, not knowing when the announcement will happen means it's constantly nagging me in my mind xD